Speak with Our Plant Based Herbalist
Before you start your health and wellness journey, would you like guidance and a listening ear to assist you along the way? Yes you can do this and do not be afraid to speak
with Thee Plant Based Herbalist!
Allow him the opportunity to MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! It Starts With You!
Contact The Store
By Phone : 769 - 216 - 3450
1. What will I experience while healing?
We call it, “Healing Crisis,” Healing Crisis symptoms can range from
skin issues, mood swings, aches, and pains. Don’t be discouraged! These are all
positive signs that your body is working to remove the accumulated toxins.
Please do not be alarmed if your skin breaks out; it will clear up soon and
look better than ever! There is a possibility of vomiting, headaches, swelling,
rashes, etc. You are on the road to recover and your body’s healing crisis will
be over soon. If you need assistance, we are here to help!
2. Who Should Not Detox?
The women that are pregnant and breast-feeding should avoid detoxing. If you have a medical condition, please seek medical advice before detoxing.
3. Why do you recommend a plant-based lifestylewhile on my journey to better health and wellness?
Many of us attempted to try so many other diets, so why not try a new lifestyle that celebrates your mind, body, and soul. When being intentional about the foods we consume for better health, it assists us more than we know.
So, our point of view is why not try a plant-based lifestyle? We have nothing to lose except for poor habits and poor health for a great possibility to improve habits and health.
4. What motivated the launch of Thee Herbal Blessing?
We live in Mississippi where we are at the bottom of the healthiest
state list. Therefore, rather than moving to a state friendlier to herbs, a plant-based lifestyle, African spirituality, and gemstones; Eric Collins Sr. saw a vision of Thee Herbal Blessing being apart of the positive and healthier change for Mississippi.
5. What motivated the launch of Thee Herbal Blessing?
We live in Mississippi where we are at the bottom of the healthiest
state list. Therefore, rather than moving to a state friendlier to herbs, a plant-based lifestyle, African spirituality, and gemstones; Eric Collins Sr. saw a vision of Thee Herbal Blessing being apart of the positive and healthier change for Mississippi.
6. I would like to open franchise Thee Herbal Blessing, how can I open one in my city/state?
You can email customerservice@theeherbalblessing.com , please allow up
to 48-72 hours for a response.
7. How will a plant-based lifestyle benefit me in my journey to better health and wellness?
A plant-based lifestyle includes your mind, body, and soul by improving your outlook on life. This all takes place by improving the health of your gut so you are able to absorb the nutrients from food that supports your immune
system and reduces inflammation.
8. Can I lose weight by taking the Digestive Repair Cleanse?
You will lose weight in the form of fecal matter that is trapped within
your colon walls. You should be patient with yourself and body as you remove this hardened and/or stick waste.
9. What did you suffer from that has helped improve your products?
At 32 years old, I, Eric, suffered from high blood pressure and was
pre-diabetic. I was able to reverse my diagnosis by developing and utilizing the high blood pressure repair package. I determined that a plant-based lifestyle was imperative to my health journey. I had to make it make sense for me to be able to live longer
and healthier.
10. Why should I notice my “pooping” moments?
Your poop has a message for you that sometimes you will not understand
but it is informing you about your overall health. Your waste should not sink
to the bottom of the toilet but stay afloat. If your poop is floating that
means you are consuming live and healthier foods. Did you know that your body
only releases one-third of the waste, so you are left with the rest to stick
around which causes many issues? For more information, you can talk with our
Plant Based Herbalist, Eric.
11. Do I stop taking my doctor prescribed medication when I start taking my herbal products?
Please speak with your medical advisor about your interest to improve your health by changing your lifestyle. Due to the nature that herbs are organic and pharmaceutical products. We do not recommend that you take your prescribed medications at the same time as your herbal supplement(s).
12. I am expecting, what can I take as an expecting mother?
To hear your concerns and questions, let’s get you with Eric. Please send him an email to customerservice@theeherbalblessing.com .
13. I have a two-year-old that is experiencing digestive issues, a weak immune system, and mineral deficiency?
We recommend providing your little one with our Kids J’ Africa Tonic, Elderberry Elixir, and Sea Moss Gel.
14. I am having issues with my male sexual performance, what can I do?
Have you tried our back breaker repairing package? It is designed to assist you by improving your sexual performance issue.
15. How long will it be before I see improvement while taking products?
Our bodies are different, so based off of reviews and experience let’s
say about 7 to 180 days. As long as you follow the instructions that are
provided and being patient with your body, you should expect progress.
16. Do I have digestive issues if I am not pooping enough?
Honestly, we should poop each time we eat. Let’s discuss further if you are having an issue with this.
17. What is the difference between a Vegan and Plant Based Lifestyle?
A vegan diet is not necessarily centered around your health. A
plant-based lifestyle avoids meat, dairy, eggs, gelatin, refined sugar, and
more. Individuals that are willing to follow this lifestyle are focused on
eating unprocessed or minimally processed vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds,
beans, and whole grains. There is more, but for example, a vegan individual
will possibly prefer to eat cow made cheese. However, a plant-based individual
would prefer not to since the product has dairy and other factors that will be
consumed. There is a difference, if you would like to know more. Contact us at